Tuesday, September 28, 2010


So I worry about what I can do to prevent people from hating me. Suggestions? Comments? Memoirs? I accept all types here. I worry because I make a lot of friends to start with, and then lose them steadily as drama unfolds. I don't really know what I do wrong or even if I really do anything wrong. I think I might be the only person I know that regularly actually laughs when they type 'lol'. It's kinda fun.
I think my nervous habit of licking my lips is gonna get me into trouble. I can't seem to stop! And it causes my lips to turn red and get raw and feel very very baaad!!! So then I use chapstick, but it doesn't help because it's flavored, so it doesn't make me stop at all. I've tried eating lollipops instead, but I feel awkward eating those in public, and today bought hard candy to try. I hope that goes well.
My friend has a Finnish accent in Japanese, and I like it, but I think she took offense to my mentioning of it. She then said *I* have an American accent in Japanese as well. I was flabbergasted. I'm always complimented on how accentless my speech is, regardless of the language. She then lost confidence and said "Sometimes" followed by "I think". This left me wondering if I do, and Ikuchin says I'm fairly perfect with my accent, so I can't help wanting to ask everyone I talk to about it.
I had curry! It burned my mouth! And then I had it for breakfast! Owchies! But it was oddly yummy too....
Okies, there's alot more I wanted to talk about but bf is going away, and I'm super tired, since it's past midnight here. bf is telling me to go to bed, so I'm going already, Yeesh! ^o^ G'night~!


college kid said...

Comments for the other blog:

I think the rain is gone over here. Its been rainy the past week but today was sunny.

Did you ever figure out what the "toothpaste" was?

Runa said...

It was toothpaste....just tastes really unusual.

Yeah, it's been sunny here the last two days as well. It's a relief really. I'm glad I can do my laundry.

Arian Behemoth said...
