Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I'm so tired!! I always am here! I never feel like I've slept enough. And there's not enough hours in the day to do everything I WANT to do. Really. I never have enough time. It's ridiculous.

So on the scale of weird events.....Jeez. I'm not even sure where to start. I guess...

First, I got interviewed, and then the dude like, disappeared! Oh well....I wanted Mommy to get a copy though, since she's worried sick.
Second, my bottom HURTZ!!! The bike....it's bruised my bottom!! *Cries* And this is the second time it's happened! My bottom JUST GOT USED TO THE OLD ONE!!! Owies. But it's definitely easier to use, and it's got some nifty gadgets.
Third, a Japanese student blew a kiss at me and my friend when we were watching him dance. They have some seriously skilled dancers here!!
Fourth, I'm gonna try Hula Dancing. It's a club, but laid back. For that reason, I'm wearing an adorable skirt and shirt combo that Naobe helped me pick out. (from my closet. I'm so close to broke, it isn't funny)
Fifth, Everything is so expensive!! I need some income, fast! And since I'm kinda teaching (though it's not official, and it's not allowed by my school) maybe I won't have to beg Papa for money. I know textbooks are gonna be a problem..... Waaaah.....
Sixth, There's a guard that speaks to me everyday in English. It's kinda cute, I have to admit.
Seventh, Oh my goodness! Trains are so crowded!!! I tend to press against the side of the door, to the side of it, where there's this bar I can hold from behind. It makes me more comfortable than holding my arms over my head in a crowded area.

I've really only made a few Japanese friends so far. I'm a little worried about it, honestly. No one seems to want to do more than gawk at us. Admittedly, we're rarely completely on our own, but that's because we're just utterly outnumbered! I walk alone to school, but after class, I almost always have a freind around. It's too scary otherwise. They all look, but they never speak to me! And they stare so much!

Ikuchin is helping me diet, so I'll hopefully lose some weight before I come back! Wish me luck! She feeds me so much food.....And I think I AM losing weight. I really don't get it, but hey, that's Japanese food for you....

Nowadays, when I'm trying to think in English, the Japanese word pops into my head and I have to think for a minute before I know what the right word is. So if I take a minute to answer, it's because the English word isn't coming to me.

That doesn't mean I'm any better at Japanese. It seems like my every effort to learn more Japanese is just going down the toilet. Nothing seems to stay in my mind. I'm not sure what to do to keep the information there.

Ikuchin buys grapes for me almost every other day because I'm eating them so much. They're so yummy! And they're different from the ones in America.

I'm trying to get over my aversion to photos, but it's not working out that great.....Ah well, points for trying?

Okay, I've reached my "swaying in the seat" stage of tiredness. Owwwww. I just got a cramp in my leg!!!!


college kid said...

Maybe you should talk to the Japanese people who stare at you. They are probably too shy to talk to you first, and are curious about you since you look different from most people in Japan.

I love you.

Runa said...

Thanks babe, but the stares aren't all that admiring, and I would likely get "No speaki Engrish" to my Japanese query. Not saying I haven't spoken to a few, but only the ones that have some English background seem comfortable talking to me.