Thursday, September 2, 2010


I have run on approximately 3 hours of sleep (and that's being generous) all day. Consequently, a headache, frequent heartburn, fatigue, irritability, irrational emotional variance, and inability to eat have plagued me all day. I'm tired and ready to retire to bed. I have to be up at 6 30 yet again tomorrow, because I'll be taking my niece to school and then I will shower. After that, I will pack my bags, clean my room up, and go to meet Pineapples! *YAY* Then I will stay with TJ, stay with bf, and possibly stay with Kei-chan. I have a meeting with my advisor on Tuesday, so it won't all be pleasure, but enough of it will be that I'm both very excited, and highly apprehensive. I'm so happy I'll be meeting everyone, but I'm so nervous about imposing on everyone as well!

Today, I was woken up super early (i'd just gotten to sleep a little earlier), had to take Mimi to school, got lost, bought myself some coffee to console me, showered (cause i didn't have the chance last night), went out with my brother to search for gifts for my host family, and ended up picking my cousin up at the drug store after she was abandoned by her ride.

After I returned home, I found that my mom was taking my youngest nephew, and going to see said nephew's father, with only a invalid aunt for company. I immediately invited myself along. And then proceeded to play with KayKay the entire ride. The father wouldn't meet us, and his mother had to impart all of the news. He's getting married and expecting a child soon. That's well and dandy. But if he hasn't put this thing with my sister behind him, it doesn't look to be a fortuitous event. Oh well. On the way back, the toddler fell asleep on me, and we both kinda reached this pinnacle of "I wuv you, now shut up." I don't know what's going to happen to him while I'm gone. Mom's not a very good penpal, so I may come home to family I no longer recognize.

I'm super tired, so I can't think of much else to say. Yay I blogged?

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