Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You're lucky, twice in a week

No one comments....

There's a really interesting video I hadn't had the pleasure/satisfaction of watching before. I'll try to remember to embed it, but I'm listening to other things right now so......
Sometimes I think bf gave me a fake metal bracelet so it will brand my skin....It's turning a little purple now. *frown* I guess I'll stick to just wearing the necklace. Sorry dear, but I don't think a purple ring on my wrist leaves a very good impression.
Ikuchin is an avid newspaper reader. I'm both jealous and interested. I'd love to try every once in a while, but she'd prolly get impatient with my embarrassingly slow reading. I don't know, she'd prolly still let me.
I really wanna start watching Otomen. I'm super excited. But I can't find a time for it!! AAAAAUGH!
My sissies took photos of me doing a fishy-kissy face......I bet they post it somewhere......Damnit.
Wonder what else I can think of to talk about. Life's interesting, that's for sure.
I did Karaoke today. It was superbly embarrassing. Everyone else seemed to know their voice range and sang within it, while I was fluctuating all over the place. Too high, too low, too gross, overall. V_V But it was fun, so I'd like to go again soon....Geh. I need more money before I try that though. On the plus side, I'm getting really good at figuring out where I am when biking, and when that fails, I can understand the directions I'm so kindly given. I utterly fail sometimes.....lol.
I really like the yoga stretches I've been taught. I'll prolly continue them. I'm losing a bit of weight. I'm not even sure why. My lips are getting a little chapped so they stay rather red, and my skin is getting pale from my habit of staying indoors, so I feel rather pretty lately. Is it vain to think that way? I think it's a lot healthier than always thinking of one's flaws. I look pretty good and I know it. I'd look better if I could get rid of the bags under my eyes, but jeez, I don't know what else to do to get rid of them. I try to sleep, but sometimes it doesn't happen. I lay in bed for 2 hours trying to sleep on sunday, and didn't get but 2 hours total. It suuuuucked.
At Karaoke I kept singing really messed up songs about twisted love. What does THAT mean about my love life right now? (Since my music reflects the opposite of my feelings) I realized it and then got even more embarrassed about that than my voice.
Nickelback btw, almost always has a story to go with their music video. It makes me super happy. I'm just super happy in general right now. I think that means I'll cry tonight from loneliness or something. My moods fluctuate too much for my comfort.
Alright, I'll post this soon since bf is asking about my day. And I'm too lazy to write it over and over again.
I'm sending out emails to new friends and acquaintances right now. People I met at the party yesterday. I hope I can do a lot of odd jobs for this teacher. I really like her. She's from San Francisco. I'm not sure why I like her, she seems rather strict. But I do....*shrug* She scares all the other exchange students. Anyway. Posting!

Okay, after watching it again, it's not particularly realistic, but still. It's touching to me. I think I have a bit of a Daddy complex since I never had one. (Basically I romanticize the idea of a father) As long as I recognize it, there's no problem.


college kid said...

.....Should I get you a real metal bracelet? I didn't know it would change colors....

You don't read slow....I always read slower than you......

*shrug* I think its always a good thing to think positively about how you look (just not to the point where its like "Haha I look better than every single person on earth!"

college kid said...

and to the title, "That's what she said"

college kid said...

I have one word to say about your bug problem: sunglasses. Or if that's bad, use some non-dark glasses if you can find them. They shouldn't be that expensive.

Is there not an alternative route you could take so you wouldn't have to go up those two steep slopes?