Sunday, January 25, 2009

Procastination sucks

So, I've been trying very hard to write my paper. I somewhat blew off my bf for it. But I can't write it. It's so distasteful, and I don't feel like it's worth it. Who cares about a picture that isn't even the first one of the series. I mean really, how did she pick these prompts?
On a more amusing note, my bf's mom has bothered him about his apparel so much that he mentioned to me he felt he should go to his award ceremony nude. I laughed. And mentioned that I would neither disown him or condone him. lol. Basically, "I won't be like, mmmm, ohhh yeahhhhh baby, that's my man in the buff" and I wouldn't be like "Who's that? I have no idea. Waving? At me? I'm sure it's someone behind me." lol.
My job is nice. I got some tough training Saturday morning. Then talked with my mom, which actually cheered me up, and made me feel like I could do it, even though she was saying she didn't see me as a waitress type. She said that she'd been the best. So for some reason, I thought along the lines of "My mom's blood runs through me, I'm sure that I can be as good as her." Then I stayed calm for the evening shift, and forgot to sign my hours when I left. I feel stupid, and I hope they still count the time I worked. Otherwise, that's five hours down the drain. Oh well. Apparently I get paid around Tuesday, and mom's too lazy to take two hours to drive up to give me some jeans I asked for, but she'll pay to have them shipped to me. She still hasn't sent my box to Japan like I asked, and it's been TWO WEEKS!!!! I'm getting pissed at that. I have alot of work I should be getting done, but I blow it off in such a way that I can only shake my head at myself.
My best friend has been engaged for six months and never told me.... I was so shocked. I mean, I always expected them to get married someday, I just thought I'd be told when he proposed to her. Either way I'm happy for them both, but I hope I at least get INVITED to the WEDDING!! >.< I was sad that my bf knew before I did. Anyways, I feel like I can conquer that paper now, or at least get a shower.

Quote of the Day: "That tongue could be put to better use." "That's what she said." "Yes, yes I did."


college kid said...

I don't see the sadness at me knowing first. She's my best friend too, and I was only told because I asked randomly. *sticks tongue out*. And I told her that me, you, and compielover needed to be invited to the wedding.

....Did you do the paper?

Caitlin said...

Showers are nice. Hopefully you got to take one. Sorry about the forgetting to sign in thing. Suckage!