Wednesday, January 28, 2009

SEXed up

Update: Sad, but this is the first song I wanted to hear when I went on youtube:

So, I have always thought that if one of us (being my couply couple status us) was defined as the sexed up one, it would be me. But I was told today that my bf seemed sexed up! Soooo funny.
I skipped my first class of the year. Badminton. I wasn't feeling well. I didn't want to get hurt, since I have a job now, and it would affect my hours. So sad, it takes a job to get me to take care of myself. I like blogging. It's fun. I hope Sarah will come and blog too, so that we can all be a happy blogging party. I get the feeling that blogs are gonna be websensed though. lol.
I also went to English, where I can see the old heirarchy of idiots belittling intelligence. It makes me angry. ^_^ So I will not be kind to them.
Hahaha bf got called sexed up.
I got to talk to kk today. YAYS~!
I took a Spanish test today.....I died a little inside. The test wasn't all that difficult, I just didn't know what I was doing. I'm gonna practice my Spanish with the peeps I work with from now on. Maybe I'll improve.
In Japanese we took a Kanji quiz. I beasted it. I just hope I retain these things I'm learning. I like them.
bf ruffled me up a lot today. And it rained BUCKETS!!! It was so cool. Except that bf opened my blinds when i didn't have clothing on, and I was like WAAAAH!!! Peeps could see me!!! And he was all "There isn't anyone there...Chill out." It was freaky. I'm not an exhibitionist to THAT extent.....sheesh.

Quote of the Day: "My name is Marianna and I would rather kiss a SHEEP!"-"And you call me a deviant?" *A shoe flew threw the air, missing his head by an inch*

Awesomer Quote of the Day: "I'd wager with a swallow or two of brandy you'd find me a right dasher, but here I've had half a bottle and you're still plain as a post."-Can anyone say "Ouuuch.."


Caitlin said...

Yay! I'm sorry you weren't feeling well. But... Why was the boy in your room if you had no clothes on..?

college kid said...

Gosh, pineapplepeople. Didn't you see the title of the post? I'm all sexed up. So obviously we MUST have been having sex.

Caitlin said...

Sexed up just means you have sex on the mind and misconstrue everyday things as being sexual. It does NOT mean opening the blinds on your naked girl.

college kid said...

She wasn't naked....completely..and to be honest, I opened the blinds without thinking about her state of undress. But it was fine, there was no one out there. I'll think before I open the blinds next time.

Runa said...

I really appreciate that dear. You may think it was fine since no one was on the balcony, but if it hadn't been raining so hard people from the bus stop could have seen. We weren't having sex. *bonks the sarcastic dummy* I needed to change clothes. For some reason. I think. Wow, I can't even remember why I was half undressed. I think I just lied. O.O

Runa said...

Oh. I lied. bf took them off.