Monday, December 1, 2008

Boring Born, Boring Grown

Today was fairly mundane. I'm bored with it, really. Well, actually, I got to see the Fox tower lit up for the first time this year. ^_^ It's right near my room too, so I can see it whenever I want. I also went over the skit with Z today, and we highlighted the new parts. I can't believe we spent 3 hours on it when we didn't have to. I'm trying to go to bed earlier nowadays, because I feel like waking up after sleeping all you can is a great feeling. Especially when you do it and it's BEFORE THE ALARM GOES OFF! That's what happened today anyway. The only thing that kept me in my bed was how cold our room was. I'm still recovering from being sick, and can't eat much heavy stuff, and can only eat half a plate of food at one sitting, and even then I end up feeling sick. *cries* No fair....I used to be able to eat tons! I think I still have a fever because every time my forehead touched my boyfreind, I felt really warm comparatively. I seem to have been bumped up from just being a representative of my hall to being treasurer as well. I don't mind, it isn't like there's a lot to do with it, but I don't like how they assume we don't have much work to do. It ticks me off, actually. And then when I started to try and sum up the fact that we do more work then they do, I got cut off. *grar* My hair is sorta getting's really long, so I should cut it, is what I keep thinking, but at the same time, I think "Well, it's winter. It'll insulate me." and "I decided I wouldn't cut it til it reached mid-thigh, so NO!" *sigh* I get tired of my perseverance, really. It isn't easy, especially when I can watch others say, "This is too annoying, I won't do it." or "I don't have to." and not do something. Sure, I say that sort of thing, but I always go back and do it anyway. Boo....

Quote of the Day: "So, even though I only have one heart left, I am still willing to give it to you."

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