Thursday, December 4, 2008

White Elephant was the highlight of my day

Today was interesting. I got up, went to take my exam, and the teach was late. That wasn't so bad, but then she gives us the exam, and I freak out with my OCDness kicking in. SOOOO Frustrating!! I couldn't believe how badly it threw me. There was these questions, and how they were written, it didn't line up well AT ALL! I'm getting irritated thinking about it. Well, I freak out, and I can't concentrate on the question, just the alignment. I wasted soooo much time worrying about that.
Then afterward, I finished too early, and ended up waiting 20 minutes for any of my freinds to show up for breakfast. Then I could only spend like 5-10 minutes with them, and my bf didn't show at all because he overslept. Not that I'm mad about that, I mean, I do it all the time, but isn't this why leaving a phone on would be useful??? That's how ppl get me up when I oversleep. Then I had to run to pick up my second phone, and then sat around and waited to do a conversation with my TA for spanish project #6.
Then I went and did my entire Webassign for Math and then read manga. And I watched the new VKG(ep9) today. It was veeeeeeeeeeeery nice. I liked it. My friend was like, "Meh." about it. I also went to my last Psych class. .....Where I nodded off. Literally. It was pathetic. I was so determined to stay awake for the last class without the help of a PC. I literally nodded off.
After that, back to the IRC office, where I helped out preparing for our banquet. Then I accompanied Mariah to return a lowmower/golfcart type thing. It was fun. Then I saw the horse that would be pulling the cart later tonight, and it was pure white. And huge.
Then I basically hung around helping put up lights until dinner, when i ate too much, and then got my bf to accompany me to our banquet, and we played games and got prizes, and exchanged gifts in a really fun way called "White Elephant". I think I didn't play fairly. I think my gift that I attacked was only stolen twice. (Has to be stolen 3 times to be 'dead') I don't know though. It's bothered me all evening. My bf got the bad end of the deal. He ended up with a picture frame he didn't really want (I could tell because he was gonna give it to me before i made fun of something). I felt bad about that, since I got such a good one, and he went so late that he couldn't hardly get much choice. But the frame thing is really pretty. It feels like my ear is getting infected again. I'm gonna have to do something to cut that off before it starts. I don't like my ear hurting.

Quote of the Day: "Gimme that kush!"

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