Sunday, November 23, 2008

Everyone's flooded a toilet once or twice in their life, right?

Today, I missed the interview due to my ineptness with geography. Then I got lectured by my bf for it. Which pissed me the hell off. I already gave myself hell, I didn't need it from someone else too. But we worked it out eventually. He apparently was upset that he couldn't get his hw well, and that he couldn't help me in time, so (lo and behold) he took it out on me. I think it's understandable, but not something I want to repeat. Learning experiences, right? Well, we ate with other people, and then we talked about it on the way home. I don't particularly like when I tell him my point of view, and all he does is tell me "sorry". I mean, I'm happy he realized he's wrong, but just saying Sorry doesn't tell me that he knows why he was wrong, or anything. I can't relate if I don't know what he's thinking. But that pales in comparison to this!
So, we got back, and MY back started hurting. It still hurts, actually. I feel like I'm gonna get a back-cramp soon. It's so painful. I don't know why though. Well, I have a theory, but it's stupid for it to hurt this much. Anyway,
The title of my blog is because I had an incident tonight, that mortified me, and ^_^; has the potential to ruin relationships. I'm wondering where mine stands right now. I would also dearly love to hear my bf's point of view. But mine is below:
1. I hadn't used the bathroom (#2) in three days. It makes me uncomfortable to use it when others are around. Everyone feels like that to some extent, I'm sure.
2. It was hard to concentrate, and I've always concentrated better on the toilet. Odd, but true. I once(still considering, actually) considered making a chair that is shaped like a commode, but soft, and comfie, and putting it in my room so I can concentrate without taking up the bathroom. I don't know how many times I've been kicked out of the toilet for doing my homework in it when someone had to use it. (Fun situation. They get a female to check and see what I'm doing, if they're not female, and end up kicking me out. rightfully, but still T_T I wanna concentrate!)
3. I went into the restroom, while my bf was in the room, and told him my secret about it. But I actually felt like I needed to use it too, so I did. While working on hw.
4. I used it. Apparently a lot. >.<
5. I finished up the hw I was doing
6. I got up, pulled my pants up, and tried to flush the toilet.
7. Fail.
8. Freak out, 'OMG! I can't let my bf see this! I have to clean up right now! It has to flush!'
9. Commense to attack the commode with a thingie that you're supposed to use. I know how to use it, I'm the one that takes care of all man-work when Papa goes away. It just does NOT WORK!!!
10. It overflows. (Yeah, Einstein, it would do that. I'm an utter idiot)
11. I freak again, flinging the rug over the curtain post, slam the door open, jump out and keep going for a few steps. Then see the water coming after me, and the next rug, and pick THAT one up, and fling it over the pole as well.
12. Try to get some papertowels, go too slow, so I fling the ENTIRE thing in the middle of the mess! (Thinking back, gosh it was funny)
13. Look up with burning ears and utter mortification in my eyes at my bf, who was just beyond the door anyway. He's like, "What the hell?" But he helps me.
14. By trying to find a mop after the paper towels obviously don't work. I strip and grab an old towel. Hands-on work always did suit me better.
15. He fails at finding mops. So he works with paper towels, while I work with my poor towel, that I loved so much! *Cry*
16. We get it cleaned up. He's obviously like, "I cna't believe I'm doing this. I don't even want to think about what this is made up of. Oh gosh, the smell......Damn, how did the evening turn out like this??"
17. My embarrassment can't get much greater. But I'm beginning to think, "well, at least if we get married, he'll know what he's gotten into on the rare occassion. If this breaks us up, well......yeah.....Oh well......broken by a broken toilet. WHY DO TOILETS HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING?!?!?!?!?*reference to my kitty that drowned in a toilet bowl*"
18. I completely strip and take a shower, because by now, my feet are the thing that's getting everything to stay dirty. Bf 'mops' with a swifter thing. I want an old-fashioned mop!
19. Bf leaves while I shower, and I feel like there was this in-complete feel in the air, but hey, if I could escape, I would have too. I live here to be me.
20. I post about it, and bf makes a feeble joke on AIM about needing a Dam earlier tonight while I die from the pain of my back. Hellz yeah, today sucked. I shouldn't have ever gotten out of bed.


Quote of the Day: "Anything's a turn on when there's a lack of clothing" "......" "Okay, and physical contact." "......"*Unconvinced look* "WHAT??"

1 comment:

college kid said...

I think its possible that you might be blowing this incident out of proportion. From what you said, it sounds like he wasn't interested in making fun of you or leaving you to clean it up yourself. I think that its not really that big a deal since its not like a weekly occurrence. If thats what happens, you might want to consider flushing before you are fully done. That way there is less stuff to plug up the toilet.

Here's a video for you. Note the main message is to just chill out about this.