Monday, November 17, 2008

Work Work Work for the volunteer co-ops

I'm so tired! Today, I bet it would have been interesting to watch me get up(i.e. Watch me fight alarm clocks, cell phones, computers and emails before my eyes fully opened....). I know I woulda laughed if I wasn't running a little late. (After setting my alarm two hours early too) *sigh*
I think Pandora is a pretty good creation. Very interesting. And useful. But it played all night. Prolly cause I got to sleep around 4 am. And up around 7:30 (then back up at 7 55, 8 20, 8 50, and up for good at 9, finally) Hn. Then I went my merry way (NOT) and went to classes. Wrote my first text ever during Math, and then nearly had to skip my secondforeign language, the one closest to my heart for a program! My minions weren't coming through like they should have. But you know, at least a good portion showed up today. Then I nearly cried because I had to approach random people. Everyone that knew me already were like "Here, I'll help" so they helped. T__T Except my BF!! He sat there and read some hw book with the box while we all tried. Geh. Oh well. It was nice though, today he waited outside my class for me (I didn't see him though, so he had to chase me) lol. He was lucky I got to go to class. I nearly had to miss it so I could cover for the minions. But hey, it's cool. Then I ate, had ice cream, and worked on more things for my program until time for dinner, then went to a group interview type thing, and I was so cold in a skirt!!! I made a few freinds and promoted my program though, so it was fine. Then I realized that I completely missed my HALL PROGRAM that I promised to help with. But before I remembered that, I went to Dunkin Donuts and visited my bf(changed in his room too. That skirt wasn't cuttin' it.) So really, I felt totally horrible, cause it was like I just goofed off without caring. Honestly, my mind sucks. *sigh* So then I have been free for the entire evening. Yays~! Homework and I are gonna go make babies soon~! They'll be super hard-working!

Quotes of the Day:
In response to a roommate+her boyfreind issue: BF: "Forget that crap. If they do that, call me and i'll come over and get in bed with you and we can make strange noises and get them to get the heck out of that room."

“It’s simple. My brain automatically filters out stupidity. You were saying?”

“Hey, kids… why the hell… I mean, come on in.”

1 comment:

college kid said...

I don't think your bf would appreciate it if you started making babies with this Homework guy. He sounds really sketch to me.