Friday, November 14, 2008


Wow. So, last night I went to bed around 3 am. Then I got up around 7:30 am. And went to class super early so I could turn in a paper that I had to meet my boyfreind to get. I went to class, listened, was bored, and went to Spanish. I went to sleep in spanish for a little bit, and when I woke up I took a quiz! And got a 40 on it. Better than the guy next to me, who had been paying attention and made a zero. Then came math. Where I paid super attention. And did well. And made simple mistakes. Like always. Oh well. The teacher explained my error. Then JAPANESE~! Whooo. ....I don't remember it, but we had the young teacher today, and she's loud and a little scary, and a little young....I think my freind likes her. It's amusing except that he partners me, but he talks to her and doesn't do the practice like we're supposed to. It leaves me in a bit of a bind. No biggie though.
SO! After class, we head to sushi like always, get almost to his car, and then he has to bail because something's happening with his roommate and such. Bleh. So I ate with just my other freind (still enjoyable, though I was likely lacking in brain power) and decided on my way home I wanted caffiene. I made a joke about how we were gonna run into my boyfreind and he was gonna be with some girl, and we would have that weird 'Are you cheating on me' conversation with our eyes, and w both laughed about it, because neither me nor my boyfreind would cheat. And then we run into my boyfreind. With someone else. ^_^ It was REAAAALLY amusing. It was a guy, btw. So I get my caffiene, me, bf, and bf/my friend(the one he was with) all go to the freind's room. I work on some hw (World ended. really, it did.) and they work together on some physics hw, and then I go to sleep. And they continue whatever they were doing. We all go eat later, then bf and I go LASERTAGGING!!!! It was awesome! I wanted to be on opposing sides from my boyfreind, but that didnt work out. It was fine though. I know in the middle of it, I thought about the two of us covering each other and winning together, but that didn't happen either. *cry* It was so much fun though. I love being competitive, but sometimes I overdo it when I think something isn't fair. You see, after Lasertag we played air hockey. Which is fun. But my bf has a habit (i don't think he ever really thought about it) of stopping the puck and starting over when it comes into his territory. It's one thing if the puck gets caught by the handle thing, to save it from scoring, but when you constantly restart it, it feels wrong to me. I was always told it was wrong. And he does it so often. I felt like it was cheating. Because to my way of thinking, you aren't taking what you've got and making the best of it, you're saying "No, this isn't how I want it." and restarting the entire match. I don't like it at all. But my annoyance and frustration over him doing that and me losing combined to help me snap, and I finally ....was mean. *sigh* I was totally mean. I stopped the puck, scored on him, and said "That is cheating. STOP CHEATING!" I just was so frustrated. When you restart the match over like that, of course you have a huge advantage. Over me at least. Because I tend to go "Huh? Restart? Where will it go?" and lose my focus. Anyone can win a match like that in my mind. But when you take a puck, use what's already happening to it, and still win, I feel like that's a victory. But I shouldn't have snapped. When I first noticed him doing it and it bothering me, I should have calmly mentioned it, and I didn't. I thought it wasn't a normal thing. So I tried to ignore it, and got frustrated. I felt really horrible, because it really upset my bf. >.< I shouldn't lose my temper. It hurts ppl. This just has to be my week for hurting people. *sigh* So anyways, later, we come back, and I lose my set of charms that always stay on my cell phone in our driver's car. THANK GOODNESS~! If I'd've lost them in the park place we were at, I would never have been able to get them back. Either way though, I got them back quickly, and my bf and I cuddled for a bit before he went home to sleep, and got caught in a really bad downpour. I really felt horrible. It was my fault! If he hadn't taken me all the way home, he wouldn't have had any issues. *le sigh* Oh well. Now I'm getting really bad stomach cramps, and I'm going to bed....after I shower. Maybe. ;) G'night ya'll~!

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