Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Ahhhh, today was long. I waited for my bf, who never showed, and never called, got annoyed, left, redid an extra credit assignment, ate lunch with bf, went to class, paid no attention, got out of class, pursued the three ppl I needed to see in order to find out what major to apply for if I wanted to become an editor, and then went back to my room and waited for my mom to come get me. When she came, she brought my brother with her, and he was nice, and I gave him his present. We came back, ate pizza and cake, watched Hancock, took a nice bath that matted my hair, did three loads of laundry, and had a nice talk with my female relations about orgasms and men and experience relating to those subjects. I failed at becoming an RA, and got the email today telling me I had been cut. I want to cry, but at least like this I can do what I want. There's a ton of other options. At least that is what I keep telling myself. My back is a little better, but not awesome, and I need to soak more in the tub, I think. I freaked out my sister and even my mom today when I mentioned a few sexual experiences I've been through that they didn't know about. Sis started muttering to herself, and Mom stared at me til I confronted her and she backed down. I was told how to make a man suffer badly tonight though. (It was accidental) Apparently, if you get rubbing alcohol on a guy's private sack, it buuuuuurns, and the feeling won't go away. Taking a shower makes it worse, and stuff. I guess I should be careful not to do that. I also found out my nephew's balls dropped. Not really something I want to know, and to go with that, mom has plently of orgasms without sex. >.< I could totally live without any of that info. Oh well. *sigh* I feel like today was a good day, if overly long, and ending before my thirst for knowledge was satisfied.

Quote of the Day: "Smile to hide the tears" and "Look forward to tomorrow. You never know what's waiting to be discovered."

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