Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Heh. So, lately I've been trying to keep my blogs shorter and sweeter, and basically less in-depth. O.o....Somehow I got complaints. Therefore, lemme do this like a diary again. ^_^ Sorry, please feel free to ignore me. I do.
Food Today:
-TONS of pokey stix
-Iced coffee
-Three things of teriyaki ribs (tiny things)
-?Peice of cake?

-_- hrmmmm I think that's it. Oh well. NEXT:
I actually got smiling today. I woke up before my alarm clocks (of course I layed back down and snoozed it they went off, psh.) and still managed to be a little late to meet bf. Wahaaha, when he called me to 'get me up' I was brushing my teeth. That was a pretty cool conversation. lol.
Bf stared at me so intently on the bus this morning! (his bus passed me as I was walking to meet him) He looked just like a baby owl cause he had his glasses on, and his head was the only thing sticking out! >.< SO CUTE!!! Then we walked together to go eat, because he came back for me. heehee. When we ate, I managed a whole biscuit at one time~! So exciting! Then we went to class, and neither of us was late, even though I kept him longer than I usually do.
In spanish, teach was....bleh. Hard to understand, for everyone. In the end, she was like "What's wrong with all of you today? Do you not know how to do this? Is it beyond you?" and I said something to the effect of, "I can't tell what you're asking. I don't know how to answer you." And pretty much the whole class broke out agreeing with me. It made me feel included for once. ^_^
In Japanese, we sang the "Arigatou" song, and filled in the blanks. The lyrics are seriously weird. lol. It's hard to explain, but I learned the word for snuggling and gently decieving in ONE song, so that should tell you just how strange it was.
Then I went to eat, except....I got caught up with this picture survey, which was actually a crusade for christ activity in disguise! O.X I keep walking straight into these things!!!! Make it stop!!!! Then we went and ate lunch, and sweetie had to run back to get his bling'bling on. lol. Then on our way to drop me off, P called me and asked if I could go with someone to get food for our program tomorrow, and I said I could. It seriously cut into the time I had planned to use for English though.
PE was where we began playing doubles, and even though every time I jumped, ran, or stopped quickly I felt like heaving, it was still good, because I had a good partner. I have to change partners next time though! >.<
After that, we quickly went to meet that person, and we went shopping, but she called P without saying a word to me about it, and P ended up having to come help out anyway! What was the point of my going then....-_0;;
I got back, and did....something. I don't remember what, but I only had a few minutes to hug bf before he waltzed off to meet his tutee. (And he did waltz. He has this's like....cocky, and self-assured, while still being totally in his own private world walk....I love watching it, but I don't particularly like when he walks AWAY from me.....-_-;; Then I checked in with my teacher, who told me to use this time to find sources for my papers. Instead....I read PHD comics. The entire time. I know, I'm horrible. I kept thinking, "I only have ______ minutes left, really I should get started." But I never did. At least I was far enough to report something worthwhile to the teacher. Then bf and I went to watch a new movie~!
The movie's name is Zen, and it was very interesting. Made me want to meditate. Like we did in Japan at that temple that one time. It was exactly the same type room. I was slightly freaked. lol.
After that, it was too late to eat at a dining hall, Jap. Restaurant near my house, or T Student Center, so we went to Gumby's Pizza, and we all got pokey stix. I ate alot of them. But bf ate a ton more than I did. He also left them in my room, so they're fair game now....*evil grin*
After that, we seperated from my freind, and went back to my room, where I made bf brush my hair for a while. I thought it would be nice. It's highly therapeutic for me, and if he likes my hair so much, he should like playing with it, right? *pout* But, sadly, (and I DO mean sadly) that is not the case. He was annoyed with it.
Then he went home, and I waited for his call before taking a shower. I tried to pamper myself, but I just don't like to do it's so much better to pamper myself at home.
Oh, my mom also sent me an email with information about a car, and it looks good, so if we can, I hope we can get that one. I form attachments to things easily, and I already want that car. It's blue, with gray interior, and I could tell mom was thinking of me when she picked it out. Just knowing she was thinking of me makes me want it. I feel pathetic for that flaw in myself.

Quote: ""Agh! Paper cut!"-"Hold still!! Don't move!!" *runs off* "Yes, I'll take one gallon of lemon juice please." *runs back*-"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
Yes, burn! BURN MY PRETTY!!!!


Song that makes me think of bf:


college kid said...

Hmmmm. Maybe you shouldn't have gone if PN went with you anyway. Or you should have just worked during class....And I hated that Zen movie. It was way too boring for me. It just doesn't do much for me since I like action and it seemed like Zen relied more on the drama of what people believe and follow. I like the Chasing Cars song. I think it suits me pretty well.

Caitlin said...

Runa, I cried when I listened to the car song. I want to go home.