Saturday, March 21, 2009

Updates, updates....

Hm. So, I don't really know what to type. A ton of stuff has happened. I guess....I'll type as I remember it?
-Thursday, we had the international food day event, and we wrapped up after an hour and half. I was only there after the first hour, since I had class, but I helped prepare everything beforehand. It turned out well, even though I didn't get any sushi and the food I got was mostly leftovers. I felt bad for bf though. He needed more food than that. So during our hours long meeting, when we were listening to ppl present their platforms for the coming elections (don't ask me, I don't know) I sent him out to eat. He wasn't gone too long. But during that same meeting, I got reprimanded for my PDA....I was stroking his hair, and occasionally resting my head on his shoulder....*sigh* I don't know the meaning of PDA anymore.... Friday, I painted my breast cast in the 'natural' way. I added areolas and a tattoo, and everything, even though they're inaccurate. I did it on purpose. I don't want people to REALLY know what's under my clothes! But someone still pitched a fit when I showed up with it in tow, showing because it was still wet, and I came straight from painting it. I only did that because they said they needed the help! Goodness. It upset me. The Sex Fair was fairly successful. I had a TON of people fill out my survey, and one of the questions was really worded badly. I shoulda fixed it, but no one really cared about those, right? I made it up in ten minutes for goodness sake. I had a lot of friends show up, and afterward went to eat, then watched a movie with bf. Valkyrie. It was interesting, but not type. After that....I think bf and I came back and played chess? Not sure. Hm. Have you ever watched water drip down your hair onto your skin? It's rather fascinating. The water just builds up til it can't stand the gravity anymore, and it comes rushing down.over and over and over again. Meh.
Today was interesting. I woke up to a call from my mom, telling me that my kittie had kittens~! Under Papa's shed....*cry* I wanted her to have them in my room....I guess that was too egotistical of me. She had four~! I'll wait to give more information until I visit home and see them. Mom's been looking for a car for me, and she found one that suited me alot. Then she found the exact same one except for the color, for two thousand dollars cheaper. I'm not sure what's happening with all that. I don't really care anymore. I just want to get it over with. I wish they wouldn't take all the stuff they give me away from me at the drop of a hat though. sorry, old angers are stirring up with the whole money issue. I'm drop dead broke. I hate being treated when I can't do anything to repay them. After that phone call, I called K to see if she was still up for Priscillas, but she said she had too much homework, so that was out. So I figured firecrotch and bf and I would go ahead and go to Walmart. But at the last minute, A called me and said he was going to hang out at the bookstore for a while. It was one I hadn't been to before, and I totally wanted to, so I called bf and firecrotch and asked if I could. Or I would have, if I could have gotten ahold of bf. But....the phone wouldn't connect us. So I talked with firecrotch and he said it was fine, so I went with A to the bookstore. On the way there, I tried calling bf again, and it went through, and he was upset. Apparently he was only going to Wallyworld to keep me company, but I thought he was going to keep fire company, so I convinced him it was best for him to still go with fire. *sigh* That turned out...well. Anyways, I got to the book store, and it had so many updated books~! I picked out like 9, and sat down with A to read. We stayed there for a good three hours, just reading. It was bliss. I felt totally refreshed.
And then I came back. I called bf, and we met up to go eat at Akari's with fire, was pouting. I love when he pouts, but he was actually upset too, which I do NOT like. I couldn't understand it...and apparently, running after him whining "Sweetieeeeeee" is cute, somehow. I felt like a banshee though. We misunderstood each other around this time. It's the second time we've been on different pages this week, and I really don't like it. We ate at the food place, with me finishing last, of course. Then we split up with fire, and went back to my place, where we played chess again. Then we played around for a bit, and cuddled for a bit, and then played for a bit, and then cuddled for a little bit, and he went home. I don't know why, but I was really dissappointed when he went home, but he had said before he didn't get enough sleep, so I didn't want to stop him. I wish he had stayed though. I felt incredibly lonely when he shut the door. I wonder what's wrong with me?
I played with bubbles today~! I love them so much, but I rarely take the time to play with them, because they seem to run out so fast....they're only fun for so long, and they tend to be messy, so I never really play with them much, even though I totally adore bubbles. Which reminds me. I want to play Apples to Apples. No idea why, I just do. I have a ton to do, and actually feel like being productive, so after I eat some fruits from a can, I'm gonna get to work. I love ya'll, and miss hearing about your lives. I hope Rozy and kk are okay flying around by themselves like that. >.< Call me or something to let me know you're safe~!!!
Oh, also. I need to talk with kk. C isn't able to take us to S&M next weekend because he'll be going home. So we need to figure out if there's some place kk can meet us at to pick us up, or if we're gonna forget about it, or what.

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