Monday, March 23, 2009


So, I've deliberately left out/taken out some words/paragraphs/things that I felt were detrimental to my relationships from my blogs, and written them elsewhere. I thought that as long as I let it out, I would be okay, and it would not bother anyone else. Well....the poisonous barbs stayed inside, morphed into a newer, less potent poison, and then burst out to strike my friend tonight. >.< I only hope that freind is alright...I let out a lot. *sigh*
On another note, it's very refreshing walking home at three in the morning. I'm tired and going to sleep now. I don't have any defenses right now, and I'm not sure I can build any up before I start back into the school week in a few hours.

"I love your cute, cuddly, sweet side. I also love your mad-as-hell, can kick the shit out you side. But your manipulative side that can use my fears and weaknesses against me (but never has) scares the living shit out of me."

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