Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Patty Cake

Wouldn't it suck even more Rozy, if you ran out of good anime and homework to do, AT THE SAME TIME!!!!! lol. It's happened to me. X.x Scary....

So, I thought I was okay, that my tummy would be back to normal today.....I was WRONG! List of foods I ate (for my own benefit)
-two packs of crackers
-two things of soup
-moon pie (BANANA and all thanks to bf! I wuv you)
-some doritos

That's all....boo...I normally eat more...*sigh* ANYWAYS~!

I did alot today. It was St. Patricks day. Fuuun. I called Chay, cause it's his birthday, but he wanted to play with his new robot....*cry* Congrats to bf for his life showing a recent vast improvement. ^_^ There's a movie I wanna see tomorrow, my teacher recommended we watch it to understand our class a little better.
I've been feeling rather unfeminine lately...so I may dress up, or wear make-up tomorrow. Or not, since I have PE....I haven't been able to play in forever!! (Okay, so a week isn't forever...it feels like it!) I don't really wanna write anymore...I'm tired and I need to do my homework so I can go to bed and not hate the world tomorrow. Heehee.
OH! By the way....BF MARKED MEEEEEE!! No, it's not what you dirty minds are thinking right now, we were trying to push the other off the bed, and he ended up trying to PULL me off, and it ended up leaving scratches and red marks along my arms. I wonder if they're gonna be there tomorrow?

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