Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Today was pretty good

I woke up at 9 am, when I didn't have class til 3, and worked on homework. Unfortunately, it didn't even really put a dent into my work. I don't know how I'm going to complete this stuff, let alone turn it in on time, or even get a decent grade on it. I wish....they'd just stop giving assignments for a few days.
But rather than complain about it, I'm just going to keep this post short. Today was pretty fun. I got to nap with bf, and do tons of work, and got a lot of thanks from people for the hard work I do. I need to call some restaurants for International Food Day, Create a poll for my sex booth (I'll explain later), And prolly help out with a few other things whenever it's convienent, but I'm basically done with the majority of my IRC work. Now I can concentrate on my homework.
Quote of the day: "Hope you don't take this the wrong way, but you're really white." -bf on my skin color

Song I'm listening to right now:


college kid said...

Yay for naps. Booooo for hw.

Caitlin said...

Homework sucks! And you aren't so very white. Or weren't last time I saw you anyway.