Saturday, March 28, 2009

Today was fun~!

Faithfully, I shall record the events of today, as we all have promised to do. ^_^

Today, I went to a good deep sleep around 7 am. Yes, 7 am. I blame bf. It's hard to sleep with him....I'm too light of a sleeper. But after that, around 10 am, bf tried to get me up, like we had decided the night before. ....yeah....about that....He didn't turn on music, so of course it was difficult to wake me up. But we got up, and kk called, and told us that she and nugget would be coming up to my room. I panicked! I had clothes EVERYWHERE!!! So while bf went to meet them, I put all my clothes up. When they got here, kk and I hugged. ^///^ Bliss~!
She and nugget used the bathroom (seperately) and we all talked for a bit, and we all listened to some music, and kk whistled along with some of it, and then we left for S&M!
On the way to the car, we saw a chipmunk! It had a ratty, thick, furry, cute tail, and it climbed trees! KEWL~! Then we got to the car, and they gave me presents. Yays~! (For my birthday in two days. kk gave me a strange manga that is oddly enchanting. And nugget gave me an awesome calligraphy type set thingies to practice my kanji with. I have no excuses....CURSE YOU NUGGET!!!!! They both made me homemade chocolate chip cookies. It's been so long since anyone's been that nice to me and made me homemade yummies... *sparkly eyes*
Then we got in the car, and were intimidated enough to know not to talk with kk drove. That rule relaxed eventually, and we were all giggling and laughing. When we got to S&M I was told about the new police, and how we needed someone to come get us. I wanted to surprise Rozy....But, in the name of legalities, I called her to come find us. We hugged. ^\\\^ Bliss~! Then we went up to her room and hall to check it out. Her room was suited to her incredibly well. There were dragons and anime everywhere!! She had so much....*drools* she even let me borrow some of it. Yays~! Then we checked out the lounges, ran into Mama, who helped us contact TJ, who we then met up with. He was on his way out though, so we had to say bye byes really soon. But then we all went to eat~! Nummy nummy. ^____^ We had to wait for a while let us all catch up though, so it was kewl. I shared an AMAZING shake with kk and nugget, courtesy of bf, and we all had yummy nummies. Bf graciously paid for my food (because I'm broke) and we went to get bubble tea, in the opposite direction. o.O;;
The bubble tea place was closed....*cries* BUT! we played in a park. kk and nugget play-fought with sticks, and I was commentator. Once, kk came after me for a comment. heehee. What was the absolute most amusing thing was, I watched a kid watch them play, pointed it out to bf, and then the kid went and picked up a stick and a huge lance-size stick for his mom to play against him with! kk and nugget were like "OMGosh! We're bad people!" I'll skip over the incident with Poyo. It drizzled a bit so we came back to the school, checked out the art room and the upstairs, and the big eye of evil in the elevator. Then we parted with rozy, and met up with her again at the mall.
At the mall we looked at anime, then we went and ate dinner. Bf paid for me I made him buy yummy cookies I knew he'd like, with a nummy one for me. Then we went and bought chocolate covered apples that are really expensive, and went to a book store, where I disappeared for an hour. Then we came back together (read: I met back up with them when I was ready) and thought about who had changed the most. I can't really say who has changed the most...I think we've all changed, but we've all stayed the same, so the sides that have changed are inconsequential to the parts of us that we value and see in each other. Rozy had to leave us, and we came back to my campus.
At my campus we looked for kk's brother's brick, but couldn't find it. *sadness* Bf will find it later though, so it's no sweat off my back. ^.^ Heeheehee. Then bf and i walked back to my place and took the bus the rest of the way, but there wasn't a string, so the bus nearly skipped our stop! I had to yell. Poor bf, he cried. ;_; But it was so sweet, it's because he didn't want to say good-bye to the other half of our quartet. I didn't wanna either, but if I keep thinking of how much fun we had, and all the silly things we did together, then I can definitely keep smiling. He has me, and even though I can't make up for the other two, I can certainly distract him. I wonder if I should though....-_- hmmmmm....I think I will. He's crying for the third time now. Love ya'lls, and I already miss all three of you.


college kid said...

Heehee. Yay for fun times with friends.

Caitlin said...

That shake was so very very good. Thanks so much for letting me eats it.

Have you finished reading that manga yet? Is it good is it good???

I can't wait to see you guys again. That was the best day of my break.

My word verification was actually a word this time! River.