Friday, March 13, 2009

So, yeah....tons of stuff happened, but I wanna talk about Seven Pounds

Yeah, first I'ma gonna talk about the movie I just watched. Then I'ma gonna talk about my day, if I feel like it.

Seven Pounds:
I loved this movie. I had to remind myself that it was just a movie, multiple times, and THEN I STILL cried. A LOT! I had to wait til the theater emptied before we could leave so no one would see me crying. Will Smith is an amazing actor, no matter the role, or the age. I don't want to spoil this movie for anyone, so I'll do my best to be vague. In the first ten minutes, I considered leaving. I actually imagined myself leaving, crying, saying "Will Smith is a meanieeeeee! Waaaaaah!!!" But then I got into the movie, because I have never seen him play a role that makes him utterly evil. So I started watching his character carefully, which totally captured me, and made it impossible to remember it was just a movie. I laughed, I cried, I guessed the ending (apparently I guessed it abnormally fast) and then the fun ended. At the end, when we were walking back, and I asked bf what he thought, he said "It was good." That. was. it. How can that be IT? So I started questioning him, since he'd been just a TINY bit odd during the movie. Come to find out.....he'd already seen it! And he didn't tell meeeeeee!!! Well, either way, I was understandably upset. He said he wanted to see how I reacted or something. I just wish he'd told me he'd seen it already. I was seriously feeling guilty for guessing the movie and ruining it for him. He said "You guess it too fast!" at one point, and since then I'd felt somewhat guilty, but I always do that, so.....don't take me with you to see movies if you aren't prepared for it. So I ran away from him. Just to chill out. T_T The jerk keeps pace with me, and says, easy as you please "You can't run from me." I laughed. If anyone else had heard him, I'm sure they would have thought that he was a stalker. I said as much. It was good. I just feel idiotic for not knowing I was making him see a movie twice.

So, my day. I'll write about it since bf is still in the shower. This morning: ....egh. It was fine, nothing worth remembering. Then, after Jap class, E treated me to bubble tea with R, since I won a wager the day before. After that, we all went to get lunch, and bf met me there. OH! I'm now reading through a book titled "Why do men have nipples?" and finding it absolutely fascinating. It covers a variety of topics. Sorry, that seems random, but E is the one lending it to me. After bf met with me, my freinds left, and we went to see if his compie was broke. It wasn't. I was amused. Until I remembered how I'd forgotten my duty with RP, and went to see if I could pick it up from the other person. It failed. But I signed up to have my breasts cast tomorrow. It sounds weird, right? It is. I'll take a pic and post it. It's not pornographic or anything. It's just plaster across my front, then painted to my liking. Then we went to see if my mentor or my potential mentor were in, but they weren't. So it was a waste of time. But then, (I'm gonna skip a portion of this story, because bf's day was seriously bad for him) we visited bf's room, then went to my room after a mishap, then left my room, then separated on not-the-best terms. I went to IRC office, and I was the only one on time for the meeting. 0.o. The person who scheduled it did NOT show. So we left, got lost, got found, got bread tasting done, got ordered, got food, and got back. LATE!!! Then we picked up some ice cream and went back to office for an hour long meeting. I didn't mind so much, but bf was waiting on me, so I totally added to his bad day. Then PN dropped me off at my place, and I picked up bf. We cuddled. He was cute. Then I took a shower, and we went to the movie. Now you may return to the top and reread the rest of my day.

Quote: "D! Where ARE you?!?!?" "I'm COMING!!!!!" ....."....That doesn't even need anything added to it." *group of ppl burst out laughing*

The weirdest, most upbeat AMV to Vampire Knight I've seen yet:


Runa said...

*sigh* I will make sure to let you know from now on every single movie I have ever ever seen. Yay for ignoring bad stuff during the day!

Runa said...

Oops. For the record, the last comment was really by college kid, not his lover/gf/other half/fiancee.